PackFire decompressor. (last update: 05/04/21)
CODE: xxl ENTRY: destination adress store in decompressing and compressed data addr in compressed_data
compressed_data equ $80 decompressing equ $82 copsrc equ $84 token equ $86 _IYL equ $87 _IYH equ $88 _L equ $89 _H equ $8a _B equ $8b PackFireTiny lda compressed_data sta sm_ix clc adc #$1a sta compressed_data lda compressed_data+1 sta sm_ix+1 adc #$00 sta compressed_data+1 ldy #$00 jsr _GET_BYTE sta token literal_copy jsr _GET_BYTE sta (decompressing),y inw decompressing main_loop jsr get_bit bcs literal_copy ldx #$ff stx _IYL get_index inc _IYL jsr get_bit bcc get_index ;c=1 ldx _IYL cpx #$10 bne @+ rts ; koniec @ jsr get_pair ldx _IYL stx sm_len_L lda _IYH sta sm_len_H cpx #$02 beq r2 cpx #$01 beq r1 ldx #$10 ; 0 i >2 bne fin_cmp1 r1 ldx #$30 ; =1 lda #$02 bne fin_cmp r2 ldx #$20 ; =2 fin_cmp1 lda #$04 fin_cmp stx sm_d0_L sty sm_d0_H sta _B jsr get_bits jsr get_pair sec lda decompressing sbc _IYL sta copsrc lda decompressing+1 sbc _IYH sta copsrc+1 ldx #$ff sm_len_H equ *-1 beq Remainder Page lda (copsrc),y sta (decompressing),y iny bne Page inc copsrc+1 inc decompressing+1 dex bne Page Remainder ldx #$ff sm_len_L equ *-1 beq copyDone copyByte lda (copsrc),y sta (decompressing),y iny dex bne copyByte tya clc adc decompressing sta decompressing bcc copyDone inc decompressing+1 copyDone ldy #$00 jmp main_loop ; --------------------------------- get_pair inc _IYL ; zawsze < 256 ? y=0 calc_len_dist tya and #$0f bne @+ sta _H ldx #$01 stx _L @ lsr @ php tya lsr @ tax lda $ffff,x sm_ix equ *-2 plp bcc nibble :4 lsr @ nibble and #$0f sta _B ldx _L stx sm_d0_L ldx _H stx sm_d0_H cmp #$08 bcc mn8 sbc #$08 ; c=1 tax lda tab_bit,x ; D=n E=0 tax lda #$00 beq @+ mn8 tax lda tab_bit,x ; D=0 E=n ldx #$00 @ clc adc _L sta _L txa adc _H sta _H iny dec _IYL bne calc_len_dist ldy #$00 get_bits sty _IYL sty _IYH inc _B getting_bits dec _B beq _gb1 jsr get_bit bcc @+ asl _IYL rol _IYH inc _IYL bne getting_bits ; jmp @ asl _IYL rol _IYH jmp getting_bits _gb1 ;clc lda #$ff sm_d0_L equ *-1 adc _IYL sta _IYL lda #$ff sm_d0_H equ *-1 adc _IYH sta _IYH rts get_bit asl token beq @+ rts @ jsr _GET_BYTE rol @ sta token rts _GET_BYTE lda (compressed_data),y inw compressed_data rts tab_bit .byte $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80